Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Join a Gym

I am not sure why I can't stick to anything. I go in hot and heavy then just fizzle out. I can't seem to find anything that keeps my interest. I need a workout buddy, but I really don't know anyone here. UGH....I should join a gym...

1 comment:

  1. Keep trying. The dreaded words...don't let it discourage you. For a long time I could not get a workout going and would only do it if I had a partner in crime. One day I did it alone. Then I did it again. Then I stopped. Finally I remembered what I needed/wanted to do and that ultimately I just had to do it alone. I could not get anyone to do it with me constantly. My problem was I let their excuses be my excuses too. Throw in oh woe is my and my pain (RA and other issues) and then I had to deal with depression and disappointment when I did not do what I knew I needed and wanted to do for me and my sanity and health. I just had to keep trying. You can do it.
