Wednesday, July 17, 2013

A Little Background Info...

on myself! I am a 38 yr old single mom of one 11 yr old son. I have suffered with depression most of my life. I have tried several different antidepressants and landed on Pristiq in March of 2008. At first it was awesome, then gradually became a nightmare. I was completely unaware of what this medicine did to me. I had NO motivation to do anything, was always hungry, which lead to putting on 50 pounds in 4 years!
    I honestly didn't realize that Pristiq was causing all of these things because it gradually came on after a year of being on the meds. It was only when I decided to get off of them in June of 2013 that I made the discovery. While researching how to taper off of the meds, I came across several forums. People were saying the side effects this medicine had caused them! I have now been Pristiq free for a month and a half! It was rough with the withdrawals at first, now everything is clicking like it use to!

    However the 50 pounds is a lot harder to get rid of. I weigh more than I did when I went to give birth to my son! I have never had to deal with a significant weight problem before now. Not only did I need to lose weight but also help my depression. So with my motivation back, I took to walking. After 3 weeks I was up to 3 miles! Then I downloaded a C25K app on my phone, deciding it was time to tackle my bucket list and run a 5K!

    So this is my journey, not only to running (jogging I should say) but to dealing with my depression without meds! I am getting a late start, as I am already on W3D2, but better late than never!

   On a side note, bare with me on the blog thing....I am new to this and don't have a clue what I am doing!

1 comment:

  1. Good luck with the blog. I look forward to reading it. Are you doing something else to help manage depression/anxiety? I have not gone do the doctor for it but I understand the entire anxiety thing. I get so upset with things like phone calls that after calling a new pediatricians office for the first time I hung up and cried. It was a simple setting up a new patient appointment too. Hard to explain but I worry about is this a good office and a whole host of other things. I have had med's contribute to weight gain as well (prednisone, gabapentin, and I think cymbalta played a role). I have found that it is taking more to loose the weight than before. I wish you nothing but the best and just can do this! Keep running.
