Monday, December 30, 2013

I Hate Dating!

Stupid WiFi has been down for 2 days!! Talk about aggravating!!!

So Christmas has come and gone. For the most part it was great! Except for when I went to take B to meet his dad after we opened presents at my parents house. When I got back my family had eaten Christmas dinner without me!!! After we waited until 7:30 the night before to eat waiting for my older sister! I was pissed and hurt...mostly hurt though:(  My mom called the next day and apologized, and swore it would never happen again.

Then my best friends, since high school, dad was admitted to the hospital. He is still there pending surgery:(

I finally had my date Friday night, you know the one that I wasn't sure if it was a date or friends catching up?!? Well it was definitely a DATE! Then we saw each other Saturday night too. This is the time that I hate being a woman! My brain goes crazy!!! I know I just need to chill out and let it be....but now I am reading into EVERYTHING! Like we talked about getting together for New Years eve...but now he is saying he might go hunting with his boss down in South Texas. I freak out over all of this...I over analyze everything that has been said:/ I am driving myself nuts!!!!!! Is this normal or is this my low self esteem and abandonment issues coming out?!?!? I just HATE dating....this SUCKS!

Sunday, December 22, 2013


I am ready to beat the crap out of everyone....surely I have PMS! I swear I think my head will explode at any given minute! B's mouth is fixing to get him grounded from everything. I feel terrible about the way that I am acting because I know a lot of it has to do with his meds and the fact that he currently isn't taking them. I understand all of that but damn I can't just let him say the things he is saying and do the things he is doing because he isn't on meds at the moment.

Saturday was super fun! See all of my family that I haven't seen together in so long. One of my cousins and her husband made the announcement at dinner that they were expecting their first child! Just seeing the look and pride in my grandparents face to have us all together at the same time was awesome and made me feel great!

Of course this morning I walked in on a discussion between my mom and my aunt, and got pulled into it. That turned into a screaming match, all 3 of us in tears and leaving angry. We were supposed to stay until 3 but mom couldn't get out of there fast enough. Didn't even wait for my grandfather to get home from church:( We all made it home safe and sound, and that is all that matters I guess. Hope everyone had a great weekend.

Friday, December 20, 2013

Bio State

This weekend we get to visit my Bio State!!! I love my Bio State:) I am supposed to get to see all of my first cousins!! I haven't seen some of them in over 11 years! Truth be told, this will probably be the last time I see some of them, other than at funerals, and we only get to stay for one day:( I am the only one in my family that is excited about this! I believe family is important. Who cares how often we get to see each other, we are blood! This will might be the last time some of them see my grandparents. They are in their late 80's, and it breaks my heart to think that they won't be around forever. Sad thing is once they are gone, unless I make the effort, I will not see my cousins again.

I can not believe Christmas is next week!! I have all my presents wrapped and ready to go! Then New Years, which honestly I will probably be asleep at midnight....who am I kidding I know I will be:) Not as young as I use to be. B will go to his dads Christmas day and won't be back until right before he goes back to school. I hate when he is gone for a long time like that. My life seems so boring without him interrupting everything I do:)

Have a great weekend everyone!!!

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

My Entire Body was Frozen

W1D1....that's right, I am getting back up on the horse! Man it sucks! Starting over after I was in W8?!?!? Why do I do that to myself. I started back last night when I got home from work, my entire body was frozen when I got back. This time a I am going to try not to care about time limits, and if I don't make a day. As long as I am out there that is good right?

So B's doctors appointment was yesterday. They have changed his medicine, and here's to hoping this one doesn't make him as moody! Of course I won't know that fact until I can find a pharmacy that actually CARRIES it! I went to 4 different pharmacies last the peak hour of around 5PM! By the time I was done, I was ready to rip someone's arm off and beat them to death with it! Ritalin is one of the most common types of ADHD meds, WTF? This morning I am going to call the Wal Mart pharmacy, since his insurance is through a Wal Mart employee, his step mom, and see if they can order it. Out of the 4 pharmacies that I went to only 1 of them offered to order it, and it wasn't them!

I am completely stressed out. B is failing 2 things for the semester:( I so badly don't want him to have them to hold him back. I hope we can get this medicine thing straightened out soon!

Have a great day!

Monday, December 16, 2013

New Do:)

What a week last week was!!! B got better on his meds, but they definitely need to be stronger. He goes back to the Dr. tomorrow so for an update on how things are going. I am sure they will give him more meds because he only had 2 weeks worth. He still showed irritability toward the end of the day especially when we did homework. Which in turn irritated me. Sigh...I need to learn to just breath and count to 100, cause 10 doesn't work for me!

I can't believe Christmas is next week! B and I wrapped all the presents and I filled out all of the Christmas cards. Went grocery shopping, bought candy for B's Christmas party, and stuff for me to make Chicken spaghetti for our work feast tomorrow.

We had the accounting dept Christmas party Friday night. It turned out pretty fun. I actually had a drink...which is the first time in AGES and won a door prize $15 gift card to Starbucks!! Whoo hoo! It doesn't take much to excite me these!

Oh I also got my hair dyed and a new cut:)

Hope you have a great day!!!

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Stupid Cold

Day 1 of B's medicine: He took a nap when he got home, was irritable, and weepy. It wore off about 6PM. I sure hope it gets better. I don't like it when he is cranky:(

It is stupid cold here! We aren't use to a lot of cold days in a row. Of course I would rather it be cold than hot! It means I have to do laundry during the week, cause B only has 3 pair of uniform pants. I hate doing laundry during the week. It wouldn't be so bad if the washer and dryer wasn't outside:-/

B had a nightmare and woke me up at 4:00 AM. So guess who couldn't go back to sleep?! You guessed it! Hope today is better than yesterday:)

Monday, December 9, 2013

Wow I suck!

B starts his medicine today! I pray that this is a start to having him catch up in school!!! He is in danger of failing the 5th grade. He is already one of the oldest in his class since he is an August baby. I hope there are no side effects or if there are some they aren't to bad. I really need HIM to see a difference in the way that he acts and learns. That would be my hope for all of this.

We had a fairly uneventful weekend. Not that this should come as any surprise to you at all. I have no life! Even my blog is I suck!

Thursday, December 5, 2013

This just sucks!

Well, it is now official B has ADD. Not that I am surprised, just that it still makes me sad. He is my baby, I don't want him to have to take meds everyday to be able to function properly...of course I am his mother and it is passed down, so like I said, not surprised. Our next step is going to his Dr and getting meds. From what I understand we will be visiting this Dr a lot in the near future, until we get the dosage and type of med he needs down. Of course the end of the year is coming and his insurance deductible will be back in place. His insurance doesn't pay anything until it is met, and then it pays 100%. Which I guess is better than mine:-/ This just sucks!

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Tri Annual

Yesterday was our annual Christmas Shopping trip. We spent the night Sunday night at my younger sisters place in Houston. Then they proceeded to drag me to every store you could possibly imagine. Torture I tell you!!! I told them that I would make it a Tri Annual trip....I would TRY to make it annually;)

I hate shopping...of any kind! It is like pulling my eye lashes by one! We did eat some really good food though:) My waistline is feeling it. I have got to get back into exercise....if only the motivation fairy would visit me.

Busy week this week, B has a check up today, then tomorrow he has his counselor. It is close out week at work, so taking a vacation day yesterday probably wasn't the best idea. I am supposed to have all of my stores audited by the end of today....sigh! Might have to stay late today.