Monday, October 28, 2013


B's footbball is overall team made the playoffs:) It is only youth football....but we are excited!!! Only 2 more weeks then it is over....for this season anyways.

My mom and I had a meeting with B's teachers Friday. He is really struggling with school, but then he always has. We are going to have him tested for ADD, I know he isn't ADHD. I have been really stressed about it. I get overwhelmed thinking about it and how much he will have to work to catch up. I hope these antidepressants kick in soon...

Friday, October 25, 2013

80's Day

It's been a bad week. I missed a day and a half of work because of this sinus infection. Went to the doctor got antibiotics....and had her put me on an antidepressant. I know...I know....I wanted to try to be free of meds and control this on my own. Prozac, never tried it before, all I knew was I wanted to stay as far away from the Pristiq family as possible! My trip to Louisiana pretty much made the case for why I need them. I had a fantastic time, but I just had to force myself to do things that I didn't want to do. I tried to go out Saturday night with my cousin and her husband, and my niece, but I was home before 10PM. How sad am I?!?! B and I ended up watching a movie then going to sleep. I just can't handle crowds anymore. I know I am better than I use to be, because I don't have panic attacks, but I still just feel uncomfortable.

So today is 80's day at work! I also have a meeting with B's teachers...I am sure they will get a kick out of my attire:)

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Need some Dayquil...

B and I had a fantastic weekend in Louisiana. The rice festival was a blast! B had the time of his life:) We all made it home safely only to have my niece and nephew get into a car accident later on Sunday evening. My nephew is fine, but my niece broke her elbow and has to have surgery later this week. Monday was brutal....not only did mother nature make her arrival, but I have some kind of head cold and feel like I have been run over a truck...then they backed up over me. Need some Dayquil... 

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Join a Gym

I am not sure why I can't stick to anything. I go in hot and heavy then just fizzle out. I can't seem to find anything that keeps my interest. I need a workout buddy, but I really don't know anyone here. UGH....I should join a gym...

Monday, October 14, 2013


So back to day 1 of Paleo...sigh! I feel off the wagon this weekend:( I am jumping back on today though. Of course this weekend we are going to Louisiana to visit family and go to the festival they have there....we are super excited! PLUS I get to miss work and B gets to miss school on Friday:) I know I will fall off the wagon again this weekend.

I can't seem to get my mojo back to exercise....not sure what is wrong with me. Maybe I will finally start my time of the month.

Friday, October 11, 2013

Bread and Cheese

Day 4 was...just as sucky as day 3...except everyone's face was morphing into bread and cheese! Also I haven't been sleeping well, so my butt was dragging all day! I had to get my mom to pick B up from football practice. I did manage to sleep all night, only woke up a couple of times but went right back to sleep:)

So the start of Day 5 is optimistic! Made bacon and eggs for breakfast. Here is hoping that the cravings get better. I can't wait until it gets to the point where I don't crave that stuff what I wouldn't give for some toast right now!

I think this weekend is going to be a rough one. Going to the movies with B, so I am going to have to sneak in a healthy snack. Then football Sunday....where my mom makes all these great football food:( Guess I will try out my willpower. Hope everyone has a great Friday!!!

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Day 2...SUCKED

I started day 2 of Paleo strong! Pshhh day 1 was a piece of cake....mmmm cake. Until about 10AM...then the headache arrived and I wanted to rip the heads off of every employee at my sons dentist appointment! I struggled all day! I had to drag my butt to the track while B was at football practice! At least I managed to walk 4 miles...because that might be all I do this week:/

Got home and baked some lemon pepper tilapia with asparagus. I made enough for lunch today because the meals I worked so hard on Sunday fell flat. Guess it is trial and error. I have to say so far the cravings are the worst part right now as I might give up my job for a chick fil a sandwich!!! I am trying though...from what I have read the cravings should disappear in a week or so.

Day 3 started with sleepwalking through my shower...I think I finally woke up while cooking B and I's breakfast. So far it is just cravings that I am fighting today. We shall see what the rest of the day holds...

On a side note...I always use PAM when cooking....well I just noticed this morning that it is made with Canola oil. Guess I am cooking with Olive Oil from now on...

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Paleo Day 1

Yesterday I started my Paleo 30 day challenge. Day 1 wasn't to bad. I made a couple of meals to get me through the week. Of course one of them I don't really care for. The other one is ok. A friend of mine is bringing me some cookbooks!!! I have heard horror story about the first couple of bare with me! Today starts Day 2 and I feel a little sluggish, but not to bad.

BD and I came to an agreement so I will be dropping the case with the AG. I am so glad we got this over with. I hope he sticks to it, but I think he will now that he knows I am serious about it. The money will help me not be so broke every week:)

B's got a dentist app. this morning! He is not looking forward to it. It is long overdue though!

Monday, October 7, 2013


I have slacked off the last few days. I have had a lot on my mind with the BD stuff going on. He now knows that I went to the attorney general to get legal child support. Our mediation thing is supposed to be this Thursday. I guess he is trying to crawfish out of it and is making me an offer to drop it. I still don't know what to do. His wife is apparently back in the picture since GF left. That is a good thing. Still just don't know what to do...

So I am starting the Paleo diet today. It consists of meat, fish, chicken, pork, vegetables and fruits. I spent a fortune at the store! I am going to try to keep it up for 30 days and see how I feel/look. I made a Italian chuck roast in the crock pot yesterday. I am making a pulled pork recipe today in the crock pot with homemade BBQ sauce. I got all of the recipes for a Paleo website. Hope they are good.

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

What is the World Coming too?

I started doing the 30 minute Total Body Sculpt that comes on Discover Fit & Health, this morning! It had me sweating and my muscles shaking so I guess we will see what comes of this. I just doing think that running was working on its own. I am still going to try though. It is a constant struggle between giving up, which I know is the depression talking, and moving forward, which is what I want. I wonder if it will ever NOT be a struggle?!?

So I heard last night that BD's new GF cleaned out his checking account last week. (I guess we had that in common last week....but at least I got my money back!) He sent her packing. Not sure on the details yet, but I can assure you I will get them today. I almost feel bad for him....almost. I know it is Karma rearing her ugly head. I am going to call estranged wife this morning and see what I can find out.

B's (half) brother and his GF are supposed to come see his game this Saturday. He is so super excited! We skipped out on practice last night....kinda feel bad about it. I was feeling selfish and had to watch NCIS cause it was Ziva's last episode:'-(  First Kidd Kraddick, then Dexter ends and now Ziva is gone! What is the world coming too?!?! :-)

Have a great day everyone!!!