Tuesday, July 23, 2013

2nd try is the Charm!

W4D1 completed on my 2nd try:) I must admit I was depressed and angry that I couldn't finish it Sunday. I decided to read, read, and read some more about running, hydration, breathing and motivation! Those last 5 mins were the longest I have ever had! I pushed on and did it!

Yesterday I decided to up my water intake. I drank at least half of my body weight, in ounces, through out the day. Took a lot of trips to the bathroom, I hope that doesn't last, otherwise my work is going to think I am pregnant or on drugs;)

Also yesterday, I started eating a little something every 3 hours. A friend of mine that I have know for probably 15 years has lost over 150 pounds and started a facebook group. It is really helping with my motivation! He is truly and inspiration to me!

Maybe one day I will tell my FB friends about my blog...

1 comment:

  1. Well done. I find my energy reserves last til the end of my run if I eat a meal about 1/2 hour before I run. But I know fr others that makes them feeel sick. It's just trial and error. x
