Friday, August 2, 2013 want me to do WHAT???

Run 20 mins without any walking....Holy Cyanide Batman!!! (I cuss like a sailor but I am trying to keep it clean for the blog) How do you go from running 8 mins, walk 5, run 8, to running 20 whole minutes?!?!? I think I broke out in a run/walk for about a minute but I DID IT!!!!!!!!!!!! Yep for the first time since I started this journey I am proud of myself:)

But the goodness doesn't end there folks! For the last 2 weeks I have up'd my water intake to half of my body weight(in ounces) and despite the fact that my boss would probably get more productivity out of me if he moved my office to a bathroom stall, I lost some weight! For the longest I was stuck, but I lost about 3 or 4 pounds:) THEN I put on my "tight" jeans...and they slid right on and zipped up no problem! Best of all my baby is coming home this afternoon! He has been gone 2 weeks with his dad and I am going crazy! We have SO much to do this weekend, school supply shopping, register him for football, etc. Just can't wait to hug him!

Anywho, hope you all have a fantastic day:)

"Keep Lookin' Up...Cause that's where it all is!" Kidd Kraddick


  1. Oh my gosh you did it! This run terrifies the crap out of me which is probably why I give up before I do it. Well done !!

  2. It scared the crap out of me too! Just remember even if you are going slow you are still running! And if you don't make it...just try again! You can do it:)

  3. congrats!! I've tried doing w5d3 too but i wasn't able to :( i wish i can do it this time after i repeat week 4 :)

    1. How are you doing? Did you make it to week 5?
